Dejan Kushta

IT Specialist

Web Developer

IT Support Specialist

Digital Campaign Expert

Marketing Technology Advisor

Dejan Kushta

IT Specialist

Web Developer

IT Support Specialist

Digital Campaign Expert

Marketing Technology Advisor

Paulina Turczynska

  • Category: Website
  • Client: Paulina Turczynska
  • Date: 2024
  • Location: Toronto, Canada

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About Paulina Trczynska Website

I developed a website for author Paulina Turczynska, highlighting her journey and debut novel Letters From A Concussed Girl. After suffering a life-changing concussion at 16, Paulina turned to writing as a form of advocacy and recovery. Her novel brings awareness to the challenges of Post Concussion Syndrome and serves as a message of resilience. Paulina also founded the Concussion Project, a platform raising awareness about Traumatic Brain Injury. Through her website, she inspires others to understand and support those with invisible injuries.
